

Tradition, elegance and chromatic radiance are the distinctive features of the collection inspired by oak wood, composed of differentiated reconstituted veneers with a yellowy sapwood and dark brown heartwood, whose radial sections are marked with medullary rays known as ray flecks. These essences, characterised by a pale browny – yellow colour range, have a straight grain and coarse texture due to their porous-ring structure, with a straight, although somewhat irregular, grain.

Busnelli International’s collection of reconstituted veneers numbers over 500 catalogued essences, in addition to the countless articles created in over 70 years’ working in the sector, that can be reproduced on request. An extensive archive ready to satisfy all requirements, that also provides inspiration for the creation of completely bespoke products able to satisfy individual needs in terms of shade and colour combination, pattern and textures.


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Busnelli International